Blueprint Node: "Cast To"
This Blueprint node is the most commonly used node, even though it kills the performance of your game. The reason this node is used so often, is mostly because of 2 reasons.
1. The developer wants things to be done quick and easy, without paying attention to the performance of their game.
2. The developer doesn't know how bad this Blueprint can be.​
Why is this Blueprint so bad?
When you use this node, it loads up EVERYTHING that you are casting to. According to the photo, when you are Casting to the Character, or "CastToThirdPersonCharacter" for example, it will load up EVERYTHING that this Character contains, such as: Textures, Particle FX, Niagara FX, Sound, and literally everything else.​Epic Games staff Zak Perrish is explaining more in depth here: Watch video ( 29:00 ). Now just imagine your Character is around 5GB, 10GB or more in size?Every time when you simply call this node, even if you don't connect any nodes to it, it will load the WHOLE 5GB or 10GB that your Character has. This is if you call the node ones, but what if you call this node 5, 10, 15 times during your programming cycle?If you publish your game with these nodes, don't expect great results !​Summary:- Every time when you can - AVOID this node, and use alternative way to achieve what you need.​